What is "promotion of an account in a bookmaker"


Surely you have repeatedly received “tempting” offers for promotion of an account in bookmakers to your e-mail and personal messages on social networks. As a rule, they promise something like doubling the bank every day, provide "concrete" guarantees and proofs, and good "cappers" will take a modest payment only from your net profit. How realistic is this?

The essence of promotion of an account in bookmakers


Promotion of an account, which can also be called trust management, is the transfer of your account at the bookmaker's office together with the deposit to another person for management. The capper who accepts the account for management undertakes to increase the amount of the deposit, and then share the profit with the account owner, most often in a 50/50 proportion.


That is, you create an account, replenish it with a certain amount by agreement with the capper, and then he works and multiplies the money in the account. After reaching a certain amount, you make the calculation according to the agreements and then you can continue cooperation.

Sounds good, but there are a number of complications. Firstly, there is a huge percentage of scammers and just amateurs in this market. According to some estimates, it reaches 90% or even more. That is, the chance of running into an unscrupulous service is much higher than that of a professional capper.

Secondly, no one will give you any guarantees. In the best case, you will receive a scan of your passport (often left), which will do nothing in terms of the subsequent restoration of justice. And even a schoolboy can draw a beautiful history of visits, praise and screenshots from bookmakers with millions of winnings today. In the event of a leak, no one will return your deposit, even if they directly promised it.

And there are a lot of ways to lose your money in this scheme:

  1. Fraudsters can use trivial arbs to overtake the entire deposit to their own account in the bookmaker's office and simply take your money, without even trying to "spin" anything. Or they can hijack your account with personal data at the same time, then resell it.

  1. Especially gullible citizens even manage to send funds (supposedly for a deposit) directly to the payment details of fraudsters.

  1. Amateurs will just aggressively bet 30-50-100% of the deposit amount on everything. A complete drain in this case is only a matter of time, and a very insignificant one.

  1. You can be driven by the referral link to the “desired” bookmaker, where scammers will receive a percentage from each of your deposits, respectively, will be literally directly interested in your loss.

  1. Very often, false cappers simply put opposite outcomes on different accounts. Some clients win and continue to pay, and some are simply sent to the blacklist.

  1. Often in the process of “work” they will try to pull additional money from you - for some “transfer fees”, “guarantor services”, “prepayment of an immediate guaranteed profit” and so on.

Other schemes are also possible, for example, a contribution to the so-called general account, from which “investors” will receive income in proportion to the size of their investments. Or a fixed profit for a certain amount of the deposit. The essence remains the same - only you will take risks here. It is your money that will be on the initial deposit, and then there are only two ways - successful promotion or drain.

If a false capper spins the score (which is, most often, sheer luck), then he is handsome, and he is entitled to half of the winnings. If not, then you will receive a sympathetic reply in the spirit of “it was not possible to spin the account this time” or even a complete blackout. And especially arrogant individuals will even try to cheat you for one more deposit.

Perhaps you will be lucky, you will find yourself in several successful “promotion” cycles in a row, you will have time to recapture all the initial investments and even get some profit.

But the chances are not very good. You are much more likely to have to go and write such reviews on the Internet. However, without the slightest sense, because no one will return the money to you, and the scammers will calmly change their nicknames and names, and continue to “work”.


Another important nuance of such cooperation is that the transfer of an account to third parties is expressly prohibited in all bookmakers. Therefore, even if you are very lucky and you meet a normal capper, then there will almost certainly be problems with this when withdrawing funds. Often such stories end with the bookmaker blocking the account with the confiscation of all funds on it.


Are there honest account promoters?

They certainly exist, but they are simply lost in the endless ocean of amateurs and outright scammers. And among relatively honest tippers there is a certain gradation in terms of reliability and the likelihood of successful promotion.

In general, professional cappers rarely do this kind of thing. Much more often, they just give their bets, and clients repeat them on their own accounts, taking all the risks on themselves. But nevertheless, it is real to meet such proposals, just the chances are scanty.

Several details by which you can identify them:

  1. The capper shouldn't promise any super profits like “doubling the pot every day”. And in general, no specific numbers for short periods, this is a clear sign of scammers. In betting, it is generally impossible to guarantee a profit, so the offer will be purely remote, and you will be warned of potential risks, because this type of investment is high-risk.

  1. Such cappers have a positive distance verified by an independent resource. In this phrase, every word is important - both the positiveness of the results, and strict verification, and the independence of a resource with an excellent reputation, and a sufficient distance from 1000 bets so that any conclusions can be drawn on it. If not, don't even start negotiations.

  1. The capper should be able to competently and thoroughly answer any of your questions regarding the work. What is the planned turnover of bets, the average expected profitability, approximate drawdowns, how the bankroll will be distributed, what is the probability of a complete drain, how the issue of the account transfer rule will be resolved, and so on. If you feel that such questions baffle the "specialist", immediately end the conversation.


Well, yes, a particularly relevant question about the price of this service. Even if you find a really good capper who has a positive experience in promoting accounts and is able to confirm it, then 50% of the profit is still a lot.


Betting subscriptions for great tipsters are now in the order of $ 100-150 per month. Provided a good bank is about 5-20% of the average monthly profit. And giving half just for the capper to set the options himself is clearly an unnecessary waste. Self-affixing will take you very little time, maximum, half an hour or an hour a day, but you will save a huge percentage of your profit. In the end, you can hire an operator, it will come out cheaper anyway.


"Promotion of an account in a bookmaker" is, most often, a synonym for deception. If you are offered a guaranteed daily doubling of the bank on an ongoing basis - think for yourself, how realistic is it? This simply cannot be true, otherwise everyone would already be millionaires, and the bookmakers have gone bankrupt long ago.

BetMAX does not recommend contacting such offers. If you nevertheless decide to take a risk, then follow the advice on choosing a capper from our material, work with those you know personally, or draw up a notarized service agreement. Although even all of the above will not give you a 100% guarantee of making a profit or compensation for damage in case of failure.