How bookmakers oppose bettors


Composite odds allow you to decently increase income from your own. Today we will analyze the ways that bookmakers resort to to limit the profits of their clients, and sometimes openly deceive them. Some of them are conditionally harmless, they can be classified as "tricks", and some are blatant deception on the verge of fraud. We will also talk about how the player can avoid opposition and deception from the bookmaker's office. But first things first.

Light "tricks" of bookmakers

Almost all bookmakers begin to cheat even at the stage of advertising their services. They promise inexperienced beginners mountains of gold, the possibility of “easy money”, and almost a guaranteed plus. In fact, they know very well that 95% + of new customers will simply give them their money, and only a few will win for a long time.

Another trick is luring with bonuses. The player is offered a beautiful wrapper, for example, “bonus 30,000 rubles on the first deposit”. But in fact, it turns out that in order to receive such a bonus, you need to deposit a three times larger amount on your gaming account. And then the received bonus also needs to be wagered. And in twenty times the size, only on express trains from five outcomes, and in a week.


All these additional conditions are spelled out in “small print”, and players often do not even know about their existence until the time comes to receive “free money”. The lack of transparency in bonus programs is one of the main reasons for conflicts between gamblers and bookmakers.


Okay, let's say these two points can be partially attributed to the inattention of bettors or the specifics of marketing in the field of bookmaking. But the bookmakers do not stop there, and continue to deceive customers already in the course of the game.

Other ways to counter players

The main and most frequently used method of counteraction is to lower the maximum bet limit for winning players. Sometimes it can be cut very strongly, down to one ruble. In fact, after such a limitation, the account becomes unusable, that is, it is an account blocking. And formally, the bookmaker is right, because the possibility of such actions is spelled out in its internal rules.

But from a moral and ethical point of view, this is clearly not the most honest way to treat your clients. In addition, such actions push players to outright violations of the bookmaker's rules (for example, multi-accounting), and sometimes various state codes (drops, renderings, and so on).

Other bookmaker tricks include:

  1. Limiting maximum odds or maximum winnings in money. Thus, the bookmaker saves itself from paying especially large winnings, thus increasing its own distance profit quite well.

  1. Delaying the process of verifying the identity of the player. Often, the bookmaker puts forward a requirement for re-verification after the player tries to withdraw a large amount of winnings. And he delays this process in every possible way in the hope that the bettor will merge most or even all of the won back. All new documents are requested, the photos and scans sent are rejected as unusable, and it takes several days, or even weeks, between replies from the BC's technical support. Sometimes they simply refuse to pay, but this applies, rather, to the next section of the article.

  1. Increased margin in additional list and live. Bookmakers often resort to this trick - they give a minimum margin (sometimes even 0%) on the main outcomes that are in plain sight. But in the additional painting they lift it up to 10-15% and even higher. And in live with such bookmakers at the moment you can see and 30-40% of the margin.

Hard cheating players

Unscrupulous bookmakers go even further and practice outright deception of their customers. Some calculate winning bets in refunds or retroactively change the values ​​of the winning odds. And this is not the worst option, at least here it is possible to find at least some logical justification in the company's internal rules.